MUSIC: Zoë Fox and the Rocket Clocks | Druid Fluids | Heavy Amber

Zoë Fox is a multi-instrumental and multi-genre songwriter from Melbourne, who writes and performs quirky ’60s inspired folk-pop songs, and is the sole songwriter and front-woman of disco-infused space-pop project, Zoë Fox and the Rocket Clocks.

Held at the Brunswick Ballroom, the gig also featured other psychadelic and progressive rock bands “Druid Fluids” and “Heavy Amber

My mate Hamish got me the tickets to this gig. Whilst not my “normal thing”, I went along anyway and had a good night.

Zoë Fox and the Rocket Clocks at the Brunswick Ballroom on April 6, 2024

If you’ve not been to Brunswick Ballroom before, I can highly recommend it. The room is super spacious, and the high ceilings add to the feeling of space in the room. There’s also an awesome balcony which looks out over Sydney Road which is handy if you wish to head out and fill your lungs with….something.

The balcony view from the Brunswick Ballroom